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The Helping Hands Family Children Aid Ministry is under the umbrella of Initiative Future Association and serves orphans and people in need in Uganda/East Africa.

Helping Hands FamilyChildren Aid Ministry

The Helping Hands Family Children Aid Ministry was founded by Christine Fenboeck, Austrian Certified Children Nurse, who has been taking care of orphans in Uganda/East Africa since 1999.


Hope for orphans in Uganda

Helping others to help

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, «Whom shall I send?
And who will go for us?»
And I said, «Here am I, send me!» Isaiah 6:8


Our little Shamima


«I welcome this impressive initiative and wish all coworkers, supporters, and donors God's rich blessing on this project»


Christoph Cardinal Schoenborn
Archbishop of Vienna

© Initiative Future Association. All rights reserved.